Sustainability is first and foremost a shift in mentality – a responsibility we need to take for our environment and future generations, for and with our employees and our communities. At the core of this mentality is a constant drive to ask ourselves: can we do better, and how? Not just in terms of profitability, but in every aspect that affects our well-being and the environment.
It’s about asking the right questions and then acting on them. It may sound simple, but there will always be challenges beyond our control – global issues that disrupt our plans and demand tough decisions. However, sustainability cannot be just a one-time plan, nor should these challenges interfere in this way of thinking. On the contrary, it’s a core value – a fundamental part of our DNA, guiding every decision we make to create a better tomorrow. And of course, change doesn’t happen overnight, but today’s progress is the result of decisions we made yesterday.
With this report, we want to shed light on Thermory’s “yesterday’s decisions” and their visible and measurable impact. We know we haven’t reached our final destination – especially as a manufacturing company, our sustainability journey is ongoing, with countless opportunities for improvement. But together – as a team – we’ve taken some significant steps in the right direction, creating a culture of sustainability.
We certainly hope that by sharing our sustainability journey and the actions we’ve taken, we can inspire others on their own path and, together, help create an even broader culture of sustainability.
Simmo Soomets
Thermory Group CEO