Thermory is the main sponsor of TAB 2022

Thermory works with architects globally and as a forward-thinking company we want to be part of the conversation shaping the future of architecture. Therefore, it was only natural for us to get involved and support TAB as a key event and platform in our region. We already supported TAB2019 and this was a very positive experience for us, working with an engaged and passionate team of architecture experts and enthusiasts.

We believe that great design and well-selected materials can improve our urban environment.

Great architecture is both aesthetically pleasing and functional. But as climate change is a more and more pressing issue, sustainability must also be included in the mix. “Wood is a versatile, truly natural and renewable construction material. It has a much lower carbon footprint than other building materials such as concrete and steel. Each cubic meter of wood binds a ton of greenhouse gas and the more wood we use in buildings, the less CO2 the atmosphere needs to deal with,” said Andres Kangur, Group Marketing Manager at Thermory.

“Thermory promotes using real wood products to bring nature closer to people in urban, workplace and home environments. Wood can be used as the main signature element in exteriors as well as an integral part of any interior design solution. We have a wide selection of wood species and profiles for architects and designers to select from, and are happy to advise our clients during the design phase and throughout implementation.”

Thermory is using circular economy principles in the company’s philosophy.

TAB’s this year’s focus on circular economy principles is dear to Thermory. “Sustainability is at the core of our business strategy and we have a clear roadmap with many initiatives in place for the future ahead.”

For nearly 25 years Thermory has been investing in thermal modification technology, which is the cornerstone of our business. This is a sustainable technology, where wood is modified through only heat and steam, applying no chemicals or plastics, that many alternative solutions use. In such a way, more durable, high-value products are created that leave a better impact on the environment in the long run. Recently we have invested significantly in our factories making this technology more resource-efficient.

As a team, we keep looking for possibilities to use as much of the wood as possible in our manufacturing process. We work with designers and partners to create innovative products and solutions from residual wood, that is leftover from our main process. Examples of that are our modular QuickDeck and Herringbone products for terraces, design sauna models under the Auroom brand, an assortment of sauna products like benches or doors, and also cool designer products Extery park benches or SUvalgus illuminated flowerpots, that our partners make using our products.

Last year Thermory joined a national sustainability initiative Rohetiiger (Green Tiger), with the objective to create a roadmap and structure around our sustainability activities and product innovation. This year our teams are participating in a 9-month academy program to successfully embed these development principles into our everyday life.

„It is a journey, an ongoing process and we have still a lot to do but we have always kept in mind that the value of wood should not be discounted at any stage of the product development or production process.“

6th Tallinn Architecture Biennale (TAB) 2022 is titled “Edible; Or, The Architecture of Metabolism” and is curated by Lydia Kallipoliti, Areti Markopoulou in collaboration with Chief Local Advisor Ivan Sergejev. The Tallinn Architecture Biennale (TAB) is the biggest and most important architectural festival in the Baltics addressing relevant issues in architecture and delving into the present and the future of the field.

TAB 2022 will take place September – October 2022, with the opening week on the 7th–11th of September. More info
