Thermory is testing new thermal kilns at Loo factory

Thermory’s biggest investment in 2021 has been constructing a new, energy-efficient thermal complex with 4 new thermo kilns and installing a new painting line to increase production capacity at Loo factory in Estonia.

We are glad to announce that the new thermal complex will start full operations by the end of the year. 2 new thermal kilns are in place and testing continues for reaching optimal heating schedules. The last 2 kilns are being installed by Jartek with hopes of reaching the testing phase within the next few weeks.

This is a significant innovation for us – new kilns are efficient and use less energy. All the kilns are placed indoors, which is heated for free – using residual heat from kilns. This allows us to shorten the heating cycles: the material is pre-heated and does not need so much cooling at the end of cycles. The whole process produces significantly less CO2 emissions and is environmentally safe. Escaping wood-gases are burnt in burners and we release only clean air and moisture to the outside environment.

A new painting line allows us to use fewer third-party services, resulting in lower transportation costs and therefore CO2 emissions. It makes the whole painting process streamlined, faster, and more efficient as brushing is now integrated into the painting process. The capacity increase meets the demand for Thermory products worldwide.

The thermal complex will be completed as part of the Estonian-Norwegian cooperation program “Green ICT” which supports the sustainable development of Estonian entrepreneurs and is run by Enterprise Estonia (EAS). The grant’s objective is to develop innovation-led business cooperation between Estonia and Norway and businesses’ increased value creation by sustainable growth projects. Thermory is very thankful to Green ICT and Enterprise Estonia for the support which is helping us to reach the next level technologically and environmentally.
